Grand Comic Reading Project Wiki


野星 文月 野星 文月 yěxīng wényuè main character, high school girl with animal ESP
阿宗哥 阿宗哥 āzōng gē childhood acquaintance of 文月
黑泽 黑澤 hēizé classmate of 文月

Vol 01[]

Note on page numbers: page numbers given are the scan number on the online version, not the page numbers in the original.

shuāi to throw down / to fall / to drop and break 4
復甦 复苏 fùsū to recover (health, economic) / to resuscitate / anabiosis 5
透過 透过 tòuguò through / via 9
傳達 传达 chuándá to pass on / to convey / to relay / to transmit / transmission 16
情報 情报 qíngbào (spy) intelligence / information-gathering 16
馬拉松 马拉松 mǎlāsōng marathon (race) 23
擅長 擅长 shàncháng to be good at / to be expert in 23
頗為 颇为 pōwéi rather / quite 23
倉庫 仓库 cāngkù depot / storehouse / warehouse 23
鈔票 钞票 chāopiào paper money / a bill (e.g. 100 yuan) / CL:張|张[zhang1],扎[za1] 24
搶匪 抢匪 qiǎng​fěi 25
結局 结局 jiéjú conclusion / ending 25
靠近 靠近 kàojìn near / to approach 30
獸醫 兽医 shòuyī veterinarian / veterinary surgeon / vet 30
報警 报警 bàojǐng to give a warning / to sound an alarm / to report sth to the police / warning / omen 32
逮捕 逮捕 dàibǔ to arrest / to apprehend / an arrest 32
瞎掰 瞎掰 xiābāi 33
巧合 巧合 qiǎohé coincidence / coincidental / to coincide 35
項圈 项圈 xiàngquān necklace 40
còu to gather together, pool or collect / to happen by chance / to move close to / to exploit an opportunity 42
社長 社长 shèzhǎng president or director (of association etc) 47
誠意 诚意 chéngyì sincerity / good faith 48
交涉 交涉 jiāoshè to negotiate / relating to 49
遺失 遗失 yíshī to lose / lost 51
妥善 妥善 tuǒshàn appropriate / proper 52
債務 债务 zhàiwù debt / liability / amount due / indebtedness 53
事務所 事务所 shìwùsuǒ business office 54
無所謂 无所谓 wúsuǒwèi to be indifferent / not to matter 65
偷懶 偷懒 tōulǎn to goof off / to be lazy 68

Vol 02[]

派出所 派出所 pàichūsuǒ local police station 44
綁架 绑架 bǎngjià to kidnap / to abduct / to hijack / a kidnapping / abduction / staking 57
聯絡 联络 liánluò communication / to get in touch with / to contact / connection (math.) 61
確認 确认 quèrèn to confirm / to verify / confirmation 64
飼主 饲主 sìzhǔ owner (of a pet) 65
尋人 寻人 xúnrén 70
裝錢 装钱 zhuāngqián reward money 73
上繳 上缴 shàngjiǎo to transfer (income, profits etc) to higher authorities 74
亿 100 million 74
嚴酷 严酷 yánkù bitter / harsh / grim / ruthless / severe / cut-throat (competition) 76
洩漏 洩漏 xièlòu variant of 泄露[xie4 lou4] 78
泄漏 泄漏 xièlòu sth leaks / variant of 泄露[xie4 lu4] / to divulge (a secret) / to leak 78
處於 处于 chǔyú be (in some state, position, or condition) 91
困境 困境 kùnjìng predicament / in difficulty 91
擁有 拥有 yōngyǒu to have / to possess 92
碰巧 碰巧 pèngqiǎo by chance / by coincidence / to happen to 93
囤積 囤积 túnjī to stock up / to lay in supplies / to hoard (for speculation) / to corner the market in sth 95

Vol 03[]

追蹤 追踪 zhuīzōng to follow a trail / to trace / to pursue 10
流氓 流氓 liúmáng rogue / hoodlum / gangster / immoral behavior 10
車禍 车祸 chēhuò traffic accident / car crash / CL:場|场[chang2] 11
懇求 恳求 kěnqiú to beg / to beseech / to entreat / entreaty 13
空隙 空隙 kòngxì crack / gap between two objects / gap in time between two events 13
逃脫 逃脱 táotuō to run away / to escape 20
拾掉 拾掉 shídiào 27
窪地 洼地 wādì depression / low-lying ground 28
勾子 勾子 gōuzǐ 39
gōu to attract / to arouse / to tick / to strike out / to delineate / to collude / variant of 鉤|钩[gou1], hook 39
繃帶 绷带 bēngdài bandage 43
茂密 茂密 màomì dense (of plant growth) / lush 46
拚命 拚命 pànmìng see 拼命[pin1 ming4] 49
瞄準 瞄准 miáozhǔn to aim (a weapon at a target) / fig. to aim (for a higher standard) 61
彈匣 弹匣 dànxiá magazine (for ammunition) 63