Grand Comic Reading Project Wiki


錠之介 Jonosuke main character
O-kin assistant to Jonosuke, and magician
胡蝶 "butterfly" magician

Volume 1

腳趾 脚趾 jiǎozhǐ toe 6
預測 预测 yùcè to forecast / to predict 6
汲水 汲水 jíshuǐ to draw water 8
文耶 文耶 wényē 9
經營 经营 jīngyíng to engage in (business etc) / to run / to operate 17
jié to rob / to plunder / to seize by force / to coerce / calamity / abbr. for kalpa 劫波[jie2 bo1] 20
喪命 丧命 sàngmìng to lose one's life 30
化妝 化妆 huàzhuāng to put on makeup 33
無謂 无谓 wúwèi pointless / meaningless / unnecessarily 33
制裁 制裁 zhìcái to punish / punishment / sanctions (incl. economic) 39
盆栽 盆栽 pénzāi growing plants in pots / Japanese: bonsai 55
湊錢 凑钱 còuqián to raise enough money to do sth / to pool money / to club together (to do sth) 57
煩惱 烦恼 fánnǎo to be worried / to be distressed / worries 60
窮浪 穷浪 qiónglàng 61
jiàn example / mirror / to view / reflection / to reflect / to inspect / to warn / (ancient bronze mirror) 63
貧民窟 贫民窟 pínmínkū slum housing 63
抵押品 抵押品 dǐyāpǐn security (property held against a loan) / mortgaged property 65
溶化 溶化 rónghuà to melt / to dissolve (of sugar etc) 68
搞錯 搞错 gǎocuò mistake / to make a mistake / to blunder / mistaken 70
淒慘 凄惨 qīcǎn 88
intense cold / frigid / dismal / grim / bleak / sad / mournful 88
cǎn miserable / wretched / cruel / inhuman / seriously / badly / tragic 88
殘酷 残酷 cánkù cruel / cruelty 121
亡骸 亡骸 wánghái 125
hái bones of the body 125
安息 安息 ānxī to rest / to go to sleep / to rest in peace / (history) Parthia 125
南蠻 南蛮 nánmán 125
mán barbarian / bullying / very / quite / rough / reckless 125
占卜 占卜 zhānbǔ to divine 131
懷裡 怀里 huáilǐ embrace / bosom 142
掉包 掉包 diàobāo to substitute in secret (a fake for the genuine item) / to palm off 142
綁住 绑住 bǎngzhù to fasten / to bind 142
頑強 顽强 wánqiáng tenacious / hard to defeat 143
zuǒ to assist / assistant / aide / to accompany 143
一瞬間 一瞬间 yīshùnjiān split second 145
傳來 传来 chuánlái to arrive (news) 145
烙印 烙印 làoyìn brand / to brand / mark / to mark 146
掙脫 挣脱 zhèngtuō to throw off / to struggle free of 151
四周 四周 sìzhōu all around 153
肺腑 肺腑 fèifǔ bottom of the heart (figuratively) 153
幼稚 幼稚 yòuzhì young / childish / naive 155
sōu classifier for ships / Taiwan pr. [sao1] 164
鋸子 锯子 jùzi a saw 165
沸騰 沸腾 fèiténg boiling / ebullition 166
kào shackles / fetters / manacle 167
潛伏 潜伏 qiánfú to hide / to cover up / to conceal 182
huǐ to destroy / to damage / to ruin / to defame / to slander 203
執著 执着 zhízhuó attachment / stubborn / be attached to / persistent / persevering 219
誤判 误判 wùpàn to misjudge / error of judgment / incorrect ruling / miscarriage of justice 219